
Well, it's been a while since I've done anything on this site. Not that I haven't been writing; in fact, I've been doing an awful lot of that lately.
          	A few updates: I probably won't post any more of Grim until it's completely finished, at which point I will update every five days.
          	Second, I've been working on another project, but this one is a bit more humorous. I don't know when I'll post it.
          	Lastly, for those of you who have been wondering what I've been doing this whole time, I've been working on two non-wattpad related projects. The first is a script for a musical that probably won't be ready for quite some time. The second is a revision for a novel that I've written, which I'm hoping to publish.
          	I'll spend this weekend reading y'all's stuff. Peace.


Well, it's been a while since I've done anything on this site. Not that I haven't been writing; in fact, I've been doing an awful lot of that lately.
          A few updates: I probably won't post any more of Grim until it's completely finished, at which point I will update every five days.
          Second, I've been working on another project, but this one is a bit more humorous. I don't know when I'll post it.
          Lastly, for those of you who have been wondering what I've been doing this whole time, I've been working on two non-wattpad related projects. The first is a script for a musical that probably won't be ready for quite some time. The second is a revision for a novel that I've written, which I'm hoping to publish.
          I'll spend this weekend reading y'all's stuff. Peace.


Hey everyone! I'm really sorry that I haven't been updating lately. School has been getting in the way of everything, as well as a few other things. However, Grim is still a thing and it will continue. Although I personally haven't been satisfied with the last few parts, I've done a lot of plot-polishing for the remainder of story. I've also been working on a few other projects (one of which I'm hoping to publish sometime this weekend). Anyway, thanks for keeping up, and if you have any critiques about Grim, feel free to tell me! Just do so politely :)