
how are you liking the EN server so far? i personally have no plans to return now that arknights eats up most of my sanity (heh)
          	i've all but burned down my honmaru in JP server so maybe its for the best oodenta thinks i'm dead


how are you liking the EN server so far? i personally have no plans to return now that arknights eats up most of my sanity (heh)
          i've all but burned down my honmaru in JP server so maybe its for the best oodenta thinks i'm dead


I just realized I forgot to include significant summer celebrations to my story... Ah well, I can still adjust it I suppose.
          Sorry for the long silence everyone. Things came up in my personal life, so I was unable to attend to my obligations here. Can't believe a novella I could technically finish writing in a month takes me almost three years to complete, simply because it's not high on my priority list. And to think I have other drafts still waiting...


@voiDeity Also to whoever's reading, I hope you guys are doing well to keep safe and clean in spite of the situation. Don't panic (buy as well), don't spread misinformation, keep hands clean with warm soap and water, especially when you're just at home (70% alcohol is fine, but don't use it to completely skip handwashing)


          If I were to remake A Saniwa's Duty into a webcomic once it's completed (and perhaps the sequel), would you guys want to read/see that? 
          Reply with your responses. I'd love to hear a general consensus on the idea.


@voiDeity of course! I'd love to read that! sorry that I reply 2 months late, it seems wattpad is blocking my country's IP or something ><


and i'm back! unfortunately, i still have 1 last exam on tuesday (it was moved :|) and about 11 posters to finish but... why bother? i deserve a break and you deserve to know what happens to my evil little redhead sage as her journey continues.


Hey guys. Sorry about the slow updates as of late. I JUST started senior high, therefore I have 7 am classes to be attending. I'm almost done writing the next two chapters though, so don't worry. Hopefully I can post them this weekend. Thanks for your patience and understanding.


also i apologize if my update schedule is irregular, as well as the long break between this chapter (First Sortie) and the previous (Exposition). i kinda... wasnt motivated to finish up FS. removed the numbering for now as well. will return chapter numbers as soon as i figure out which chaps need numbers (some or all, basically)


HEADS UP! gonna be revising the previous chapters, because i've made changes to chiaki's design (blonde to redhead), to make things less confusing, especially when she and her brother are together. i'll also see if i can scatter descriptions of them throughout the first few chapters, to lessen the overload.