
Am I the only one that got a stupid crap message saying something about free.. I forgot? >.>


@XxLupinFamilyxX It's so annoying *-*


Hey, look. The thing I hate most is when people accuse me of things I'm not. I'm not whoever this 'Winnie' girl thinks I am, can't she freaking see that?! I tried to find an escape from my shucking horrible life, and ten minutes after I join, I get blocked by someone, then she accuses me of being someone else, and then people forcing me to do things to make not leave Wattpad. On normal circumstances, I would have tried helping, but she was the one that made me feel like crap by accusing me of being a 'fraud'. I'm not gonna help someone that calls me a fraud, okay?! Because I'm shucking not. We may have the same FC, state, and 'name' but coincidences happen. I'm sorry that you all think I'm some fraud, when I tried to make friends and be happy. Guess not. If you all think I'm fake, might as well block me and believe this Winnie girl.


@voideliza- aw I'm sorry to hear that..my pms are always open