
Hey peeps so I currently got logged out of this account on my computer and since I write all my stuff on there I decided to make a new one. So I will be transferring all my published books to that one and continue to write them. I’m trying to get this all done by this weekend so hopefully I do. The new account is @Voidlala so go follow it if you want. I hope you have a good night, morning, or evening depending on when you read this. 


Hey Peeps so after I sent the conversation below I stupidly decided on logging out of the one on my phone to check something on this account and when I went back I couldn't log in so This is going to be a little harder than I thought because I had some great drafts of stories for you guys. Like I said I'm trying to get all my published work from that account onto this one this week so hopefully I do and hopefully I can write new chapters. So if you have any questions on when I'm going to be updating the stories ask them on these stories on this account if that makes sense.


Hey peeps so I currently got logged out of this account on my computer and since I write all my stuff on there I decided to make a new one. So I will be transferring all my published books to that one and continue to write them. I’m trying to get this all done by this weekend so hopefully I do. The new account is @Voidlala so go follow it if you want. I hope you have a good night, morning, or evening depending on when you read this. 


I literally had a scare right now. I tried to change the email that this account is connected to and it logged me out and than said that the password was wrong but luckily I was able to get back in plus I’m at school


@voidsmainbitch01  will you be updating born to dance?