Then 5 seconds later Raphael ran in the door. Where is that little skunk bag, Raph asked with a tone. What did he do now, Meghan said sarcastically. Well he asked me what I was doing? I said I'm feeding my turtle. He thought that was funny I was feeding a turtle and I am a turtle. So I yelled at him, then he took my turtle and threw it out the window, so i started chasing him and well he ran here. If you think talking about it will help, well your wrong. I still want to rip the head off that skunk bag. Then holly walked in the front door. Hey Raph, what did Mickey do now, Holly said still looking at her phone. He threw my turtle. How do you know Mickey did something and how do u know Raph, Meghan said while holly still looking at her phone. Thats Raph pissed off leave me alone look and Well holly said after she put her phone down. The last time I was here I could hear Raph in the backroom yelling at Mickey as always. Ohh. Don't tell my mom she'll get mad cause I have talking turtles in my house. I wont. I need someone to pick on and if I tell your mom I wont have Mickey. Then Mickey came in the room. Im sorry I threw your turtle he said like he didn't mean it. I know your little but you can't just throw my things. He's not little Raph, so be nice holly, said still on her phone. What are u doing on your phone? Im talking to Zoë. She's coming over in a while to talk to Donny about some science word I don't know. WHAT? How does Zoë know about Donny? Ask her when she gets here in 30.