@voloriel Wait people hated anime nerds in 2014 bro I did not know I was always inside watching anime,watching YouTube,Reading comic or manga anyways I don't know why I wrote this comment anyways bye.
I was reading your story, death of shinobi rise of a demon fandom
And was wondering if you know the show SUPERNATURAL, if you could do a challenge I made for it
@voloriel Wait people hated anime nerds in 2014 bro I did not know I was always inside watching anime,watching YouTube,Reading comic or manga anyways I don't know why I wrote this comment anyways bye.
Here are the people who are adopting stories-
Get What You Deserve
* @belle7071
* @boboatae
Death of a Shinobi, Rise of a Legend
* @boboatae
Eyes of the Gods
* @demonicevry
Please give them time to post chapters, and thank you all for staying with me so long! I love you guys