
Anyone wanna play titanfall or apex 
          	Gamertag is Ivorysushi I play on xbox if you want to play titanfall


You guys ever get that feeling that you might need a hug, a friend maybe. Idk maybe something to make you feel a little alive in a world where people you meet are just  waiting to exploit you in some way. I got to admit it it's hard to keep a straight face while everyone only talks mess about other people. I'm just so tired I think its rubbing off me tbh so I'm asking you people of wattpad at 3 in the morning what is so good about your life that makes you better than me.  I've honestly gone through hell to just get what I wanted a place were I feel like I'm at home and its slowly starting to feel like a asylum. Maybe if you read this much you probably like my complaints, maybe seeing how lonely a person can be makes you happy. Are you happy?


Who y'all maining for apex


I'll go first. pathfinder


So ladies and gentlemen if ya got da box please I would love to play some apex totally not stealing this idea from other people very original I am!!!!!!


@voodooone I’ve been hella busy so I couldn’t respond but sure I’ll give you a text soon. 


@Lone_Bandit sick bro well any time you want to hit me up my gamertag is Ivorysushi


@voodooone I just play casually but ye I play on Xbox too. 