
- You can't be successful in something if you aren't passionate about it :)
          	I've passed both of the tests for the Georges Duby Highschool in Luynes, France, which means that I'm finally going to the highschool I've always wanted to go to! It's an international and bilingual school where you can mostly find bilingual students and high-leveled English students, so happy to have entered this school and looking forward to being there! Can't wait :) 
          	It's gonna be SICK 
          	- Avery x


- You can't be successful in something if you aren't passionate about it :)
          I've passed both of the tests for the Georges Duby Highschool in Luynes, France, which means that I'm finally going to the highschool I've always wanted to go to! It's an international and bilingual school where you can mostly find bilingual students and high-leveled English students, so happy to have entered this school and looking forward to being there! Can't wait :) 
          It's gonna be SICK 
          - Avery x


Je surkiffe vraiment ce que tu écris, même si c qd même super triste... en fait je viens de me faire tt ton bouquin d'affilée XD


@ OuechSisters  Merci! :)


Oui mais justement, je trouve ca génial que tu écrive tes journées et que ce soit vrais, on sent que c'est du vécu, et en plus ta manière décrire est cool (et tu fais pas de faute d'orthographe, enfin qqn de normal ^^) 


@ OuechSisters  Oui j'ai reçu les notifs de tes votes ahaha, merci d'ailleurs!
            fin en fait j'écris pas vraiment c'est juste mes journées mais j'avoue que quand c'est une journée triste on dirait trop une fanfic mdrrrr