Hey guys! It's been a year and due to recent events, I hope all of you are doing the best you can. Since it has been a while since I've updated you all and even writing anything, I'm going to give an explanation as short as I can. Ok so for Someone Like You I had A LOT of ideas and kind of just jumbled them up into the same story. The next chapter after the last one I wrote was a filler chapter so I felt really unmotivated to write it. I also really cared about the scenery and how I described the setting (because in school, they always tell you show, not tell). I kept putting it off for later and since November of 2019, I sort of lost a bit of interest in BTS. Don't worry I still love them but I got focused on another group and let my entire kpop life revolve around them until May of this year. When May ended, my grades were really suffering and finals were coming up and the reason why I was doing so poorly was because of kpop because I used it as a distraction. Throught the summer, I told myself to detach myself from kpop because it was the only music I listened to and I found it weird that I only liked that music. Obviously, its amazing music and I tried my best to stay away from it but here we are! I started getting back into it in around October and now I'm committed to standing new groups and just rediscovering kpop as a whole.

Concerning Never Be Yours, my story wasn't really planned as Someone Like You and there was a really basic plot. Now looking back, I am older and wiser and I've realized that shipping idols romantically isn't really my thing anymore. I mean, we have no choice over their sexualities and how they want to date. I also realized that some idols actually see what we write online and I would never want to be one of those people that cause them to distance themselves from each other. So, you've probably guessed it, I won't be continuing these stories anymore. I don't spend time on Wattpad anymore, either. The last thing I read was a Draco Malfoy ff that was really good but I haven't touched it ever since. Basically, I'm going to try and focus my writing abilities somewhere else and if I have anything I really like, I'll share it! I just wanted to say that to all of the amazing writers on this platform that inspired me and soo many others to write. There are seriously some ARTISTS on this website and I'm rooting for all of you. I've read some beautifully written stories on here that will always be in my memory and just as reminders that writers can seriously come from anywhere. Anyways, I really hope you guys are staying safe, taking care of those around you. Lets hope that 2021 will be a better year (VACCINE IS COMING!!) and that we all return to some sort of normal. Thank you so much to all of my readers and remember.... you nice, keep going! lol luv u bye