
this message may be offensive
Trying to hang on but it so fucking hard sometimes


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Trying to hang on but it so fucking hard sometimes


Hi! I just wanted to pop by and say thank you for following me! I really hope you enjoy my book if you get the chance to read it. It’s a contemporary romance called Just Press Send. If you ever want to chat please message me or comment on my book– I love to talk about reading or writing! Have a great rest of your day!


          I just wanted to pop by and thank you for adding Sex Tales to your lovely reading list. I really hope that you enjoyed it and if yes, then you might like the attached book too. Feel free to provide feedback, vote, share and comment on any of my works. Happy reading! :)
          With love
          Southern Sunshine ~


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Ayo i got grade A for my end of term and still my mom is upset with me 
          she didnt even say she was proud of me but first term i got A then second term a B  and last term an A but she still says it isnt good enough
          so i feel like shit but at least my dad is proud.
          just wanted to tell atleast someone


Bc she says I can do better and I’m not trying hard enough, when I am


@admire28her wow y  she mad?
            I don't have to tell me btw if it's to personal. :)
            I'm glad I have ur dad. (: