
ما راح تعرف قيمة نفسَك و عِزّتها الى ان تحتاج وجود شَخص ما يحتاجَك


But when you gave into me, I was left flustered, realizing just how much you needed me, you wouldn't know that, but acting distant from you was uncomfortable, though you don't know me, you'd never know how I felt about this, about you


          When that nump feeling get back to you, when you feel the urge to leave and isolate again, when you grow rude and mean again, always waking up in a bad mood wondering why, when you go quite and never speak only when necessary, all along with fhat heavy feeling in your chest..


يا مَن هواهُ اعزّهُ و أذلَّني
          كيفَ السّبيلُ الى هواكَ دُلّني
          و تركتَني حيرَانًا صبًا هائِما
          ارعى النُّجومَ و انتَ في نومٍ هنِي
          عاهدتَني ان لا تميلَ عنِ الهوَى
          و حلَفتَ لي يا غُصنُ انْ لا تنثَني
          هبّ المسيمُ و مالَ غُصنٌ مِثله
          اينَ الزّمانُ و اينَ ما عاهَدتَني
          جادَ الزَّمانُ و انتَ ما واصَلتَني
          يا باخِلًا بالوَصلِ انتَ قَتلتَني
          واصلتَني حتى ملكتَ حشاشَتي
          و رَجِعتَ من بعدِ الوِصالِ هَجَرتَني
          لَمَّا ملكتَ قيادَ سِرّي بالهوى
          و علِمتَ انّني عاشقٌ لكَ فَخُنتَني
          و لَأقعُدَنّ على الطّريقِ فَأشتَكي
          في زيّ مظلومٍ و انتَ ظَلمتَني
          و لأشكيَنّكَ عندَ سُلطانِ الهَوى
          ليُعَذِّبَنَّكَ مثلَ مَا عذَّبتَني
          و لأدعيَنّ عَليكَ في جُنحِ الدُّجى
          فعَساكَ تُبلى مِثلَ ما أبلَيتَنِي .
          H disillusion -


تعالي ع تيك


@ vuiiyi  منو؟


@AfnonaSgerona عذبتني الچلبة


I just realized how much I actually get affected by the novels that I read, like I develop another habits of a character I loved- or the words get to my head I start speaking like that character, and sometimes I just sit there, thinking about how much a fictional, non existence character can be real, I bet it's the writer's talent and how they describe the character's feelings that makes it sound real, it touches my heart fr


            I want to add for that my thought, which is that the writer themselves felt these feelings before, that's why they can describe it so smoothly and passionately that it goes straight to the reader's heart and mind, and yes of course it's also about the readers thoughts, I believe that every each person have their own viewing and perspectives on how they view life, emotions and etc


TODAY I WAS TALKING WITH MY SISTER ABOUT IT, it’s the writers magic for sure. But with the readers emotions and their understanding of the characters. And considering them to be a real person in the world 