Someone Sent me this and ORDERED me to answer it here xD...
1.What is your name?
2.Do you have a boyfriend?
~Nope.. Im still finding him
3.Who is your first kiss?
~The Air.. nah just kidding Its James my first crush back when i was 6 years old and I am the one who kissed him hahaha
4. Do you like the taste of alcohol?
~Well right now, I always had to drink wine since a lot of parties and such is happening and I am starting to like the taste of it
5.Ever smoked?
No.. My dad is gonna kill me
6.Favorite song?
As of now it is Singularity
7.Ideal guy?
~Tall,Handsome, A bad boy ;)
8.What countries have you visited?
~Japan,Korea,China,Thailand, USA, Had a tour on Europe sooo there is a lot and a lot more to go