beomgyu is really softspoken
he smells like babypowder
his favorite snack is strawberries
he likes warm sweaters alot
yeonjun is kind of stubborn
his favorite color is orange
he wants to persue fashion
he likes magazines and photos
he loves platformed sneakers.
soobin has a slight fluency disorder
when speaking. he has a love for poetry
and reads some to kai everyday.
his favorite thing ever is flowers
his favorite flowers are water lilies and
tulips. he has a small flower shop.
hueningkai also has a speech impediment
and often stutters or slurs his words.
hes really hyper most of the time and
brightens everyone's mood. he loves
plushies and cute character cards.
he loves wearing sweater vests and
cute glasses frames.
taehyun is most likely buried his face
into a good book, he has the best book
tastes and loves to read. besides being
the 'nerd' people think he is taehyun
likes to play A LOT. he teases his hyungs
more than he blinks honestly. he likes
baggy shorts and platformed shoes
similar to his yeonjun hyung ♡.