
          	Welcome to another long-overdue update! I have gained some traction on my stories since my last update and I am forever grateful for that! If you aren't aware yet, I have closed/completed the PJO/HOO One Shots book because I moved my stories for that fandom onto AO3 (Archive of Our Own) if you're interested. My excuses for my update schedule is once again because of work and school. Since it's the last semester, things are kind of crazy. I'm currently doing my best to balance everything but I am sure once summer begins or my next break I will sit down and write. Thank you again for the continued support! 
          	See you next time :)


You still around?


haha, not really. i still check this site every so often but i don’t upload anymore. i moved all of my fics to ao3 and upload new ones every few months or so! i’m a college student with three jobs so it’s a lot to keep up with but i definitely am grateful for the support i’ve received over the past four years! thank you for the interest and i’m glad you’ve enjoyed my works :)


          Welcome to another long-overdue update! I have gained some traction on my stories since my last update and I am forever grateful for that! If you aren't aware yet, I have closed/completed the PJO/HOO One Shots book because I moved my stories for that fandom onto AO3 (Archive of Our Own) if you're interested. My excuses for my update schedule is once again because of work and school. Since it's the last semester, things are kind of crazy. I'm currently doing my best to balance everything but I am sure once summer begins or my next break I will sit down and write. Thank you again for the continued support! 
          See you next time :)


Hey guys, 
          I swore to myself that I'd never post an A/N (author's note) in my one-shot books so here's the alternative. Honestly, I'm not sure anyone's going to read this considering no one actually follows me, but I thought I'd just put this out here in the off chance someone stumbles across this wondering why I haven't updated in forever. Here's the short version: school sucks, and so does my work schedule. I have absolutely no time to write anymore much less update regularly,  so until my AP classes let up or I have some free time, I won't update often. Just when I actually get the chance to sit down and write. I doubt anyone's going to see this but if you do, I'm sorry for the absurdly long breaks in between updates. Okay, that's all. I promise I'll be back soon. Thanks for the support <3