Happy Mother's day to all the moms and the motherly figures of our lives who have raised us, nurtured us, shaped us into who we are today.
I might ramble here, but if you think about it, everyone has been a mother at least once in their lives. Even if one does not have a child, is not capable of bearing a child, or still a child, even though they are not literal mothers. For example, a father provides for and protects a child. If he is a single parent, he takes the role of two halves of the parental responsibility, so, in a way, he is a mother. People who don't have children come across them everyday. Someone asks you to hold their baby for a sec and there, a baby in your arms, you take on a responsibility to carry this baby, to protect this child. Or maybe you smother your friends whenever they get hurt, or help them with anything they need help with. You care for them. Or, I dunno, maybe you have a pet and you care for them in the way their blood parents would. Motherly love is everywhere.
So give back the love they give you today.