
Twenty freaking thousand people read "Daddy". It would really help if you could end this two year break and update. I'm not trying to be rude, so please don't take this the wrong way. I wouldn't be pleading if I hated your story, so take this as a compliment. But you can't just write three amazing chapters, and then why for two years. If you don't want to continue, at least unpublish it. No one wants to get attached to a story that will never get finished.


Why haven't you updated both of ur stories since 2015 if u don't wanna use watt pad anymore then delete ur account and stop making people waste their time commenting update over and over again


@MadPenTalent I kind of agree with everyone. I would really appreciate if she would update, but at the same time we have to be considerate. I just read her story that has three chapters and I got pulled in. She definitely does not need to shut down her account unless she wants to, and no one has the right to tell her that. But if it helps, I would just suggest that she unpublished the story until she decides to continue. That way, readers don't see a great story and be waiting for a year with high hopes, only to realize that update isn't coming. As for the mean comments, they are super rude. Yes, here are errors, but no one can say that there are no errors in anything they have ever written. It just happens. Constructive criticism is helpful, but not when it is rude and/or hurtful. Personally, I love this person's stories. If she ever did ants to continue, maybe it would help to add a small authors note, saying that the story isn't over


Ya'll are so rude. She doesn't have to delete her account just because she hasn't updated in a while. Who are you to tell her that? She's not making anyone waste their time because she is not forcing people to come and comment "update" you guys are doing that on your own. Plus I glanced at one of her stories and almost every comment is belittling her English or putting her story down. I wouldn't want to update either. Who wants to come on here to disrespectful comments everyday? You don't even know if something is wrong with the author and why she isn't coming on anymore. You don't have to be rude. Smh. Just find other stories to read.