"if U are luCky enough to be diFFerent
tHen dOn't ever chanGe...."

" be cRazy
be stupiD
be wiLd
be siLLy
'cause liFe is tOO short

“ I am enouGh of an arTist to dRaw freeLy upOn my imaGination.
ImaGination is mOre impOrtant tHan knOwleDge.
KnowleDge is limited.
ImaGination encirCles the wOrlD.”

guess now i should stop wd quoting ;)

*am totally harryPotter freak alongwith reading and sleeping freak
travelling music and dancing- my other hobbies

m in love wd these artists:
DANIEL J. Radcliffe
OWLCITY, Jimi Hendrix, one RepubLic, mOhit ,EnriQue, green Day, MUSE, taylOr swiFt, tHe fray, sHakti mohan( dancer) raGhav juyaL, briana eViGan, sanam jOhar, salmaan[dancers]
sunidhi chauhan, shreya ghOsal, ATIF ASLAM, paraMore, linkin paRk, dEath CaB fOr cUtie, the ScripT, the Beatles, AvriL, R. Pattinson.

my fav in wattpad
m a RowlinG, paulo Coelho , bronte sister's, TINTIN and batMan fan.
  • JoinedOctober 4, 2011

Story by xoxo
3 Reading Lists