
Don't miss out on the paperback edition of His Savior, now available on Amazon. Get your copy today! ♥♥


@waifujanny i'm runninnnnnnggggg ‍♀️


Hey, I hope you are doing well.
          I am a reader from India who has read His Savior here. I loved it so so much, it's one of top reads by far this year. I have also written a  review on Goodreads emphasising the same. 
          I wanted to read the paperback as a lot of chapters have been rewritten like you said, but the problem is that its not available in Amazon for me. I just wanted to let you know that I am eagerly waiting to get my hands on the book❤>♡<
          I will wait till this book is available to be bought in Indian currency! ( The thought of it makes me crazy excited ) 
          Best wishes and have a great year ahead!


Thank you so much for your kind words!!! ❤️ I’m so happy to hear that 


Ahhh congrats !! I can’t wait to buy the book (hopefully soon, im a little broke rn)!! But I am curious how long is his savior gonna be up on wattpad for ?


If the eBook should come out sometime, then it could be that I have to take His Savior off Wattpad. But I don't know much about the rights regarding that topic.


@magicalunicorn282 I think I'll leave the complete book here on Wattpad for those who can't afford the paperback. However, I have deleted the bonus chapter (as a little encouragement to read the paperback hehe). Thank you for reading, love!


Hi just finished his saviour and absolutely loved it ❤️  just wondering if the sequel will be updated anytime soon as I don't like to start stuff when it's on hold :) I'll still be putting it in my library just in case. Thanks again for a great read


@asyouwish12345678910 no problem happy to wait. Congratulations on your publication 


@asyouwish12345678910  Thank you for your kind words! Glad you liked it. ❤ Unfortunately, the updates of Save Her won't continue until May, as I'm currently busy with the publication of the paperback His Savior... 


Hello my wonderful readers!
          I am pleased to announce that the paperback 'His Savior' will be available for purchase on Amazon in 2023. I am currently in the middle of proofreading and revising. There will be a lot of work coming my way...
          However, the unedited version (as you know it) of the book will remain on Wattpad.
          Stay tuned!
          Love, J.


I’m 100% getting the paperback, literally so obsessed with everything about this book it’s definitely become one of my favourites. ❤️ 


@waifujanny I'm def going to buy it 


I LOVED HIS SAVIOUR SO MUCH!!! Such an amazing book❤️❤️ Also, does Rafaele’s book have an updating schedule? And how do you even pronounce his name??


@herondalevibes Thank you! The name Raffaele is pronounced: "rah fye ell eh"... I try to upload one chapter every Sunday. So, there will be at least one new chapter per week. ♡