
I have a godzilla related question. If destoroyah is a very possible candidate to appear in the next movie or so with the same background could he have eaten some of king ghidorah specifically his severed head that godzilla ripped off? Please respond if you can and make mentions of this theory to others.


I have a godzilla related question. If destoroyah is a very possible candidate to appear in the next movie or so with the same background could he have eaten some of king ghidorah specifically his severed head that godzilla ripped off? Please respond if you can and make mentions of this theory to others.


Thanks for the follow 


@AzureSiege2001 I have had the idea of plasmadon for close to if not a decade or more I don't recall exactly when I had this idea cause of another problem I suffer from memory problems I can recall important things but nothing in regards to every day daily things that one does each day.  A example say you wanted to cook something like steak  I would be told how to cook it one day but the next time I myself would cook a steak I would forget all the steps. I can only recall important things or what leaves a powerful impact or something I am interested/invested in.


@AzureSiege2001 I even have a  name for it plasmadon taking the word plasma and Armageddon and combining them together.  Imagine a being with doomsday's abilities combined with shin godzilla who will constantly evolve.  Though the 2 won't be the only targets because everyone is a target only beings plasmadon can't copy Through DNA are machines. For a general weak point I have given to him well he has a core a nucleus that stores all the samples he's taken as he gains more samples that core and thus he himself starts to get bigger and if it's destroyed well he dies and no matter how much he changes that core remains a weakness that will kill him.


@AzureSiege2001 how it accomplishes this is simple by ingesting just a bit of a targets DNA he can copy everything that makes it up. An example he gets a sample from the flash somehow well everything the flash can accomplish my oc can now do as well.


I don't feel like someone who has any right to judge one's stories considering that I am unable to write a story. I have a oc idea but I can't draw or write as I said a story if someone wishes to learn more about it shot me a message. If you know some good stories to read please direct me to them so I can try and read them.