Chrisitan is one of the best known dentista , he is a bussines man and also really bussy making a clinical trial . But he recives interns of the university to learn dentistry . The day before he recives the interns he mets April in a Bar . They went to april's house and ... They didnt really talk , April is a girl who lives alone . But the next day they both left the house . They didnt know they would work together because April was starting her internship and Christian is her boss ... And thats really unconfortable for april , she wants to stop what they have , she doesnt want to be treated different , but in the way April crushed by a car . And christian really worries . She needed an oral suegery which was performed by Christian ..... ???
Christian is around 28
April around 20
Im not sure if it is good but we thought it with a friend :D