
i didn’t say anything yesterday because i needed time to process what has happened, and honestly i still don’t think i fully have. corey was someone i looked up to so much, he always made me laugh and just knowing that he’s gone hurts my heart. i can’t begin to imagine how hurt all of his close friends and his family feel right now, they lost someone so special. rip corey, you’ll be so greatly missed by so many. rest easy...


@_wdwbrock take your time it's a really hard time rn and I can't believe it either one minute he was fine the next......


I feel like he was doing so good during this time too but just that one night messed him up and I don't know why but I feel so wrong, I can't explain it, and  yeah I still haven't fully processed it yet


@clown_a i just can’t wrap my head around it, he was going to go so far and he deserved so much better


i didn’t say anything yesterday because i needed time to process what has happened, and honestly i still don’t think i fully have. corey was someone i looked up to so much, he always made me laugh and just knowing that he’s gone hurts my heart. i can’t begin to imagine how hurt all of his close friends and his family feel right now, they lost someone so special. rip corey, you’ll be so greatly missed by so many. rest easy...


@_wdwbrock take your time it's a really hard time rn and I can't believe it either one minute he was fine the next......


I feel like he was doing so good during this time too but just that one night messed him up and I don't know why but I feel so wrong, I can't explain it, and  yeah I still haven't fully processed it yet


@clown_a i just can’t wrap my head around it, he was going to go so far and he deserved so much better


i’m in shock. 100k reads on sin city... wtf?! i can’t begin to explain how thankful i am but thank you to all of you that continue to read and comment. i love you all <3


@_wdwbrock your book is amazing!!!! I'm so happy that its getting the read it should!!


Love this story so much gonna be heart broken when stories  end lol I'm not ready for it to end lol love what ur doing 


i’ve got so many new books in the works for when sin city is finished but we’ve still got a while to go before it ends <3