That cover with the owl is great! Where'd you get it done?

@wilwinterswrites glad you think so too, it's an artwork by Bob Kehl, I got it off of pinterest.
Reading List
Since tomorrow is Christmas, I've decided to go to ahead and upload three whole chapters of Oken Rebirth, think of it as my gift to you. Do enjoy and have fun this merry season.
That cover with the owl is great! Where'd you get it done?
@wilwinterswrites glad you think so too, it's an artwork by Bob Kehl, I got it off of pinterest.
Since tomorrow is Christmas, I've decided to go to ahead and upload three whole chapters of Oken Rebirth, think of it as my gift to you. Do enjoy and have fun this merry season.
Updates for Oken Rebirth will be on Tuesdays and Fridays with an occasional special/extra chapter on weekends.
@mageauteur Same here with The Violin, The Girl and The Fire, I long got consumed by my school work and I haven't had time, but this weekend... most definitely.
I'm almost done with my last assignments and when I am, it's back to reading. Its been a while, there are times I thought I could do it, but it turned out I couldn't, but this time around it's certain. Oh and new UPDATES are COMING SOON so that's something to look forward to.
Could I get suggestions on open awards to sign up for? Preferably awards with an open slot for fantasy/adventure entries.
READ FOR READ! I'm doing R4R for four stories (feedback and all) so if you want/you're interested in taking part, do let me know/feel free to PM me if you like. Preferably fantasy/adventure stories, but any and all stories are welcome. I'll be reading five chapters everyday (starting today) from all four stories until the last update and in return, you'll do the same.
@EveRogerthegreat you're welcome :) and thank you too for taking interest in this and (in advance) for giving my story a read.
Greetings mortals! Haha, school just closed and guess who has time to read, write and upload again... mage! I'm going finish up the story/stories I was reading a little while ago before assignments and exams started playing tug of war with my time, I'll also (probably) make a few edits to OkenRe here and there... probably. Hope you've all been staying safe, enjoying the beautiful stories here and the magic has had hearth in your hearts.
@mageauteur I see you had the same idea as I, I went on for 9 beautiful hours, my alarm was probably wondering what's going on (Alarm: Am I out of a job?) haha. You should get them, you deserve it! I got a couple boxes of pizza and drinks, but getting a new book or two would've been really nice too and I did get new art supplies a little while ago so there's that
@ mageauteur same hahaha. I slept over 10 hours tonight and I'm feeling so good!!! To celebrate this occasion I think I need to buy some new books hehehe
@MountainChild01 I know right! And you should have seen me on the last day of school, lol, I handed in my last assignment with such energy and went out of the school gates with a smile so wide that any clown would be wrong not to envy. Now, I get to sit back, enjoy everything I've been missing out on, things like reading, binge watching movies, series, anime and sleep... my how I have missed sleep
I cleared my library yesterday and I have been adding new stories for June. Any suggestions on stories to add? Preferably fantasy, adventure and isekai.
Happy new month! Hope you had a great May and you stayed safe. Oken Rebirth is now up to 40 parts with chapter 36! Thank you for reading, voting and sharing!
CHAPTER UPDATE! Oken Rebirth chapter 25 is up now, go give it a read, leave a comment, vote, share and enjoy :)
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