
hey guys,
          	soooo it's been a while... complete understatement of the century, but i haven't been active on any of my accounts including this, my main account @lovinglexy, nor my instagram account.
          	i've been in a very tough situation and school's consumed my life entirely to the point where i was suffocating and i was dealing with a lot of issues mentally and physically. i averaged on about 2 to 3 hours every day. with all the stress, i just had to drop e v e r y t h i n g. and i know that was REALLY unfair to you guys who were all so enthusiastic about the wammys and everything. i. am. so so so so sorry. i apologize wholeheartedly and it was my fault. i should have gotten in contact with someone and gotten another admin or something. it's just been a real struggle these past several months. 
          	so, as of now, i have no idea where this awards is headed but i am looking for a new admin who can help me out. possibly 2 admins. so please dm me @lovinglexy or here if you are interested. admin is a LOT of work, so if you feel that you're not on wattpad enough then please be honest with yourselves and don't request to be admin.
          	i appreciate all of you so much, those who have stuck with me. i can't wait to get this awards started again :))))


@MikkelSv we're getting there :)


hey guys,
          soooo it's been a while... complete understatement of the century, but i haven't been active on any of my accounts including this, my main account @lovinglexy, nor my instagram account.
          i've been in a very tough situation and school's consumed my life entirely to the point where i was suffocating and i was dealing with a lot of issues mentally and physically. i averaged on about 2 to 3 hours every day. with all the stress, i just had to drop e v e r y t h i n g. and i know that was REALLY unfair to you guys who were all so enthusiastic about the wammys and everything. i. am. so so so so sorry. i apologize wholeheartedly and it was my fault. i should have gotten in contact with someone and gotten another admin or something. it's just been a real struggle these past several months. 
          so, as of now, i have no idea where this awards is headed but i am looking for a new admin who can help me out. possibly 2 admins. so please dm me @lovinglexy or here if you are interested. admin is a LOT of work, so if you feel that you're not on wattpad enough then please be honest with yourselves and don't request to be admin.
          i appreciate all of you so much, those who have stuck with me. i can't wait to get this awards started again :))))


@MikkelSv we're getting there :)


Hey, everyone.
          I am truly sorry and humiliated that I have pushed things back so far. I don't want to be one of those people that just leave an awards hanging like this but unfortunately, school and my personal life comes first before anything. 
          I know it's asking a lot for you guys to be patient with me, but please do. If you'd like to pull out, that's fine; just shoot me a PM and I'll deal with it. Again, I am so sorry. I will try my best to get things started again in June. 
          Thank you all who have been so supportive, offering their help. Really, thank you so much. 
          Lexy Devika


@wammyawards - Good luck with school and life! I'm waiting this out!! DILLY, DILLY!!!


          I'm so sorry, but I'm back! More updates to come!


Whooop! Can’t wait to kick things off! 


            its all right ... everyone has a life outside wattpad they should understand also.


@MarloPolo thanks for understanding! 