
Hey everyone, I just posted the first part of my story. It's a fan fiction about Scarlett Johansson x reader. If you're interested, please go check it out! Have a lovely day/night :)


Saw you voted again thank you so much 


@jiske3003 I would love to read a 2nd book! As for co writing it I'm down but I'm not sure I would be very good because I've never written one before


I don’t know yet. Would you like there to be one ? Maybe even co write it?


@jiske3003 no problem, I really enjoyed the story! is there gonna be a 2nd book?


Hey, I would REALLY love if you checked out my very Wanda centric Avengers book set after Multiverse of Madness. I dedicated a lot of time to this story and it is epic in scale and lives up to the avengers title but I also added heart and soul into this project. And deals a lot with her journey to become who she is destined to be while having a very deep redemption arc. I think you'll like it.