
Hello everyone
          	So i just started writing peoms here 
          	So do give them a try ❤
          	Vote and share to ✨





Hiii!How are you?I hope fine!
          I'm sorry for bothering you, but do you have time to check out my stories? 
          my biggest dream is to become a great author one day!
          If you are interested, here it is.
          I follow back too for help you because I know it's not easy to be a writer ;)


Hi, I'm introducing one of my stories, if you are interested or looking for something interesting to read at the moment, please do be interested in this story of mine, thank you and have a nice day! <3
          Gwendolyn Cerine D. Dixon is known to be the perfect in everything that she does just like Karine. She is strong, gorgeous, and hard-working in any work she has to do for her family.
          But just like how Superman has a kryptonite that weakens him, Cerine also has one.
          It was one person that has continuously made her knees weak every time, that drowned her every time their eyes meet, that had done nothing but made her feel something that she's never experienced before.
          She knew about her feelings for him, and she also knew that this will only be a secret that she'll have to keep to herself.
          The secret that her heart will only scream his name forever.


          I hope you're accepting reading requests. I've started a new story "an anatomy of a wounded soul". It is a thrill/mystery teen fiction. 
          I hope you take a chance to read the story. 
          Please do and leave feedbacks. 
          Thank you.


@noFOOKINidea  this link isn't working I guess