
mysterious new neighbor is sitting in the middle of our street, smoking a cigarette while watching three fat cats lounge in the sun okay


happy to announce i've officially encountered my first hurdle while drafting born lucky


mind you the problem is that i'm writing too much... i had my beautiful perfect outline but now i have to move scenes around to different chapters because if i don't they'll end up being like 10k words long....... sigh


25k word count on born lucky and i'm 5 chapters in who cheered


also i say that but i have been procrastinating the proofreading part lol. someone put a gun and force me to get started please


i have somehow become extremely organized and productive. damn sure wish i could use this newfound skills for a job!


happy valentine's day to sunwoo cause i've had like 5 dreams about him in the span of less than two months. what's that about


make that 7 dreams...... wtf


by the way i am currently writing chapter 4 of born lucky and the word count so far is at 16k! we're good (i need to start proofreading boooo)


hi lucia! ik we have never interacted directly but i'm texting you in mat's behalf as i have texted all obs appliers ^__^
          mat is going to be 100% inactive until further notice due to a potential data breach, which means there won't be any updates any time soon. aside from that she's 100% fine and it's nothing to be worried about but she was unable to contact everyone before having to deactivate accounts and delete apps so i'm relaying the message from her. she will try to be back as soon as possible, but for now let's simply wish her the best!


@cyanotype hi, thank you sm for letting me know! i hope everything works out for her and she's able to solve this without too much trouble ^^


i just published the final chapter of off limits! woo, the end of an era. and i also posted an additional part sharing some of my thoughts now it's finished, so if you're curious about the obscenely large amount of words i've written, go check it out!
          now my undivided attention goes to born lucky (and the one af form that has been taking over my life...)


i'm guessing wattpad still isn't sending notifications, so hi! just updated off limits! the penultimate chapter actually :^)


hope wattpad fixes their mess soon tho because this is annoying


in case you didn’t get a notification, i updated off limits yesterday! i think this app is just trying to me piss off lol
          on another topic, i've officially started writing born lucky! right now i'm building up a buffer to make sure i always have chapters ready in advance, but i'm so excited to share it with you,,, thank you so so much for your patience and i hope i won't disappoint!!


@wangzihaosgf WOOOO but yeah wp is evil


@wangzihaosgf bro I didn't get a notification...but I still found that you updated it yesterday!!