
Netflix is releasing The First Temptation of Christ. Millions have signed a petition requesting to take it down and millions more that have cancelled their Netflix subscriptions ans boycotted Netflix. 
          	What is your reaction?


@Homosapien0160 yeah, so that's basically it. I don't know...what do you think?


@wannabeskuyoticsquad Ooooh i see, i remember hearing about that somewhere as well


@Homosapien0160 umm..no it's something separate darling. It's a comedy that depicts Jesus as gay and a drunkard, and Mary as an adulteress and weed-smoker.
          	  Theres one particular scene where jesus's partner proudly and openly exclaims to seeing "jesus" big perfection. 
          	  Its obviously gonna be offensive to millions of religious ppl out there who respect and admire jesus and his mother mary and see them as great pure religious and spiritual figures. This is gonna be an offense to them. 


Netflix is releasing The First Temptation of Christ. Millions have signed a petition requesting to take it down and millions more that have cancelled their Netflix subscriptions ans boycotted Netflix. 
          What is your reaction?


@Homosapien0160 yeah, so that's basically it. I don't know...what do you think?


@wannabeskuyoticsquad Ooooh i see, i remember hearing about that somewhere as well


@Homosapien0160 umm..no it's something separate darling. It's a comedy that depicts Jesus as gay and a drunkard, and Mary as an adulteress and weed-smoker.
            Theres one particular scene where jesus's partner proudly and openly exclaims to seeing "jesus" big perfection. 
            Its obviously gonna be offensive to millions of religious ppl out there who respect and admire jesus and his mother mary and see them as great pure religious and spiritual figures. This is gonna be an offense to them. 


I don't mind if you don't feel particular about reading this at the moment but if this, which isn't due to any mortal credits, should have to be distributed across this platform and whisked to the mind of humaninty, then do so. I will gather as many meaningful and reflective hearts and minds as I can, maybe I'll grasp at the scraps and cracks that people have to offer me just to get the message spread, yet whatever it takes. Spread it and read! 


Alright so not all of you may have read The Divider but I'm starting to have doubts about my main character? 
          Does she relate smoothly with readers?
          Is her behaviour and attitude understandable?
          Who is she; what's her personality like? 
          Is she moral or badass? 
          All of these questions going round and round and round in my head and I need your help to figure what kind of character she truly is...


Hey here are the major sins of Islam. 
          Read and enjoy - ✌❤❤❤❤
          To believe that Allah has any partner or colleague in His Divinity; to worship someone besides Allah.
          To lose hope in the mercy of Allah. To have no fear of Allah. 
          To misbehave with parents.
          To kill someone unjustly.
          To slander a married woman, accusing her of adultery.
          To eat an orphan's money or property unlawfully and unjustly.
           To flee from jihad (religious war).
          To use or eat a thing or money obtained as interest.
          Fornication and/or adultery.
          Homosexuality (whether between males or females).
          Magic; witchcraft
          And those are just a few of them ✌


this message may be offensive
One day, a girl approached me, a different girl this time and she told me off for talking shit. At that point my ex-friend defended me, and so i saw this as an opportunity to drop my grudge. 
          Now that were sitting together in class shes told all her friends except me who shes crushing on because i'm "untrustworthy" when she was the one who informed my own crush that i liked him. I told her that was hypocritical but she insisted it was in the past. 
          Then yesterday she kept on ignoring me when I tried talking to her, always talking with a boy. This morning she apologised and so I forgave her. Now were in class and im not talking to her again. 
          Can someone please explain what on earth is going on?


            Well yay! I'm happy I made your day! You're a pretty great person :)
            I hope your classes go well, have an amazing rest of your day, byeeeeeeeeeeee


@Writing_Cearia its alright. Now youve just made my day, thanks so much. Ill try to take your advice and put it to use. Im sorry as well. Im actually in school right now and heading to fifth period. 
            Thanks so much again. Ill try to refrain from her and make my life healthier. Love ya bye ✌


this message may be offensive
            If she's hurting you this much, then you should probably stop the back and forth thing of being her friends. It's not healthy for you and is just gonna end up making her feel like she can control you and I don't want that for you. Be the badass fighting for yourself person you were just to me, to her and hopefully, she'll back the fuck off. 
            And if those people who she told those lies to were your real friends, then they would have never believed a word she said. You are better off without her and her little followers. 
            And it does seem like you need some help because you have said before you were suicidal but, in my opinion, the internet is really no the best place to go looking for help for your issues. For example: my dumb ass not knowing you're full situation and just putting what I thought in because the text didn't translate to me as well as it would face to face.  
            The internet can make a situation like yours much worse. I really suggest going to counseling. I go to counseling myself and it really helps me a ton. Emotionally at least, just apparently not with how I should speak to others yet obviously lol. My old school used to have a counselor, so if you don't already see one, and if your school has one, then I highly HIGHLY suggest going to them. Or if not you can always just talk to a close friend or family member about your issues or you could write your feelings and issues down in a journal,  I've heard that has helped people. Or you could even put your situations in like your writing, which I'm sure you do already, but if you don't that could really help. If you need help and feel you could be a danger to yourself, just PLEASE take the right action and call a friend, family member, suicide hotline prevention, or even 911.
            But anyway once again, I really am sorry I hurt you and said things that were obviously wrong . I ain't shit and I know it lol.


 I feel very wierdly about this girl and I'm not sure what we have. We use to be best friends but then she started to get on my nerves. 
          Like whenever I would talk to her she's zone out and latch onto a different topic. Whenever I shared my problems with her instead of enouragement I got criticism, as if all the bad things were my fault. 
          Not to mention she's extremely spoiled and childish and she took my best friends from me. So one day I announced that I don't want to be her friend. And then all hell broke loose. 
          I refrained from telling her why as I knew there was no point and she would never understand. Throughout the entire time she was like,"i dont understand what i did wrong, im such a nice person," and she just wouldnt get over it. 
          It got to the point where she would take my bag to class and try to be nice so that we could be friends again. She didnt mention it directly but it was clear in her intentions. 
          Then I started to feel like a bitch, so when her kindness weared on me I started talking and sitting next to her again. And she was good for a bit. But then she started to get annoying again. We would always get into fights and so I refrained myself from her. 
          One day, her group and I had drama because they were bring racist towards my aunts and i's religion. So my aunt out of anger told her to commit suicide. But my aunt sincerely apologised afterwards. 


this message may be offensive
@Writing_Cearia First of how are you not trying to sound rude. To me it seems you dont care if you sound rude or not you're just trying to get your point across. I like the way you try so hard; It is impossible to underestimate you. 
            First off you don't know this person I'm talking about so do not pretend like you're right here in my world. You have no justification to throw all of these labels at me like bitch and the such. 
            Oh….this is how conversation works. Mu mistake, I must have forgotten. The only thing wrong with me is that I’m talking to you. 
            Excuse me alright but let's just throw the girl's name into context to make it easier. Masuma is the one who is childish and birchy. Is that not reason enough for me to leave her? Who said I can't explain, I just don't want to. Honestly, do you expect me to have respect for her WHEN SHE'S SHOUTING AT MY FACE DEMANDING A REASON. IF SHE HADNT THROWN SUCH A TANTRUM I JUST MIGHT HAVE TOLD HER. WHATS THE POINT IF SHES GOING TO ACT LIKE THAT. LIKE THIS IS AN INTERROGATION. BESIDES SHE HAS NO RIGHT TO KNOW, THAT IS A PRIVILEGE. THIS IS MY INFORMATION, MY OPINION AND I CAN WITHHOLD IT IF I WANT. 
            GOD, THANKS FOR MAKING MY FUCKED UP LIFE BETTER. Whatever is eating you must be suffering horribly.
            She lied to my friends on behalf of me stating something which wasnt true. Youre saying that its my fault eh. Your saying that i probably started talking shit or cheated or did whatever but we were perfect friends before Masuma opened her filthy mouth! 
            You are about as sharp as a bowling ball. 
            Stupidity is not a crime, so you are free to go. I may not be perfect but at least I am not you, judgemental freak. God, you dont even know me. Never have and now you probably never will. Im so fucking disgusted. Next time consider the consequences of your words because you have no idea who you could hurt


@wannabeskuyoticsquad @wannabeskuyoticsquad 
            Um... really not trying to sound rude but saying " she took my best friends away" is very childish and stupid. Those ex-friends of yours can make their own decisions., You can't put all the blame on her cause your other friends don't want to be friends with you anymore. Obviously you guys weren't meant to be friends if they dropped you that quickly. You should try and think hard about why they wanted to do so...there's gotta be a reason...just sayin....
            Also if you guys were such best friends then don't be such a bitch that you just can't explain why you don't want to be friends. Tell her why, because if you care about her or at least used to, you should have enough respect for her and y'alls friendship that you can at least end the friendship right, with some respect.
            Talk to her, let her know your issues with what she's been doing and maybe something will change and if not, it's time to move on.
            In this message, to me, you come off very childish, immature and bitchy. (no offense) So maybe you should try to reflect on that and maybe you can fix that about yourself. 
            But anyway, I really hope you and this friend can sort out your differences :)


Hey im feeling suicidal and I need help. Im currently crushing on an abusive person who mistreats his "perfect" girlfriend and that girlfriend happens to be living on my street all this time and i never knew. And so know im just thinking of getting closer to her because of how desperate i am whenever i like someone or want someone to like me. 
          I have a reason to be desperate. Ive been shunned and abused all my life and i just want to die under my regime. Every since going to high school its been much worse. Life is so much worse than death. I just want to die. Everyone hates me. 
          And not to mention all of the crude looks and comments because of my religion. Why oh why. And now the rest of you are probably thinking that im just writing this for attention.
          I mean, only today two popular girls were snickering and whispering behind their hands, saying, "whats wrong with her?" And honestly it hurts because ive been wondering the same thing about myself as well. 
          Now it seems that all my layers have been exposed. Even my own friends seem to be annoyed with me. Its just so dumb. I hate myself.


@FernThompson10 oh thank you so much. Like you don't even know me that well and already you want to bash someone because im hurt. OMG, love you for real. 


@_spicyvices_ i take it. Internet hug. Oh my god thank you so much. This has made my day. Love ya