
Hi, I just want to formally apologize to everyone for taking such a long break in the middle of a story that you guys really seemed to enjoy. There were a lot of things going on during that time and it was a struggle to keep up with writing. But I’m back now and I’ve got my plan for Memory Lane all laid out as well as some progress on the next chapters to be published. I’m currently having issues with my computer so I can’t write as fast as I want to, but I am writing on my phone as fast as I can for you guys :-) 
          	I just published a new chapter yesterday and when I did, Wattpad was having some issues so I’ll send the link out again just in case. 
          	Thanks for showing my story some love, I am positively floored by all of the support. 
          	» https://my.w.tt/nKD7GvipdY


it’s been a while...everything alright?


Hi, I just want to formally apologize to everyone for taking such a long break in the middle of a story that you guys really seemed to enjoy. There were a lot of things going on during that time and it was a struggle to keep up with writing. But I’m back now and I’ve got my plan for Memory Lane all laid out as well as some progress on the next chapters to be published. I’m currently having issues with my computer so I can’t write as fast as I want to, but I am writing on my phone as fast as I can for you guys :-) 
          I just published a new chapter yesterday and when I did, Wattpad was having some issues so I’ll send the link out again just in case. 
          Thanks for showing my story some love, I am positively floored by all of the support. 
          » https://my.w.tt/nKD7GvipdY


it’s been a while...everything alright?


          You gotta be kidding me.
          You have to finish memory lane. Lemme tell you, I always check if a story is complete before cause I hate cliffhangers. But I came across memory lane when I was reading another story. You swipe for the next chapter and recommendations pop up? Well memory lane was one of them and I was so interested by the summary that I’ve completely left the other book to read it. And I forgot to even check if it was complete. And I’m happily reading along, wondering how   Sean and Olivia are gonna happen...and then this happens:
          To be continued...
          I’m dying. So please please please start updating. I have to search for ages to find any good stories that I haven’t already read and I find your one and this happens. 
          So pleeeeease. Keep writing. For the good of me.


Ahhhh, it’s been a year since I’ve been off this account because I lost the password and a lot of my free time as well! But I’m back now and hopefully able to resume updates on Memory Lane my pals :))))) 
          Sorry for the wait :/


Oh my this is so exiting, it was such a great story✨


@warcries thank god and welcome back!!!! can't wait for the new chapter 