@The_Black_Butterfly i don't know exactly hpw long it would be as i don't know yet how much i could write about it. or if it would be any good. Mabye i could try writing a couple of pages as a rough draft and then put it up as one of the stories i'm writing or send it so it would be private to see if you like it or not? Also i'm sometimes not on wattpad for ages so ight not see your replays right away. also i would like to talk sometime if thats no bother to you.
@warewolfhybrid : No problem. The thing is I don't use Wattpad much, except for thanking fans and replying to comments. Even then, I don't stay on long. If you wanna talk, use inbox. it's easier that way.
@The_Black_Butterfly i don't know exactly hpw long it would be as i don't know yet how much i could write about it. or if it would be any good. Mabye i could try writing a couple of pages as a rough draft and then put it up as one of the stories i'm writing or send it so it would be private to see if you like it or not? Also i'm sometimes not on wattpad for ages so ight not see your replays right away. also i would like to talk sometime if thats no bother to you.
Oh my, that's unexpected. It's a pretty good idea. Of course I won't be against it! I'd love to know what you think of it as a story. How long are you planning it to be? A short spin off or a proper story?
@The_Black_Butterfly i just want to try to write another part to it as i loved it and i just don't belive that thats the end of Auroras story. we also don't know what happened to the rest of them or what the dimension they are going to is like.
@The_Black_Butterfly its amazing i know you don't think you'll make a sequel but if you gave me permission and some help i could write another part to it. no offense and i dont want to hassle you but can you consider it please?