/ maybe if i stare at it longingly, i'll remember the email to get in ........
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/ maybe if i stare at it longingly, i'll remember the email to get in ........
cb for a one – liner ┄┈ &̳.̳ specify the mood.
you pity yourself for simple failure . * the king snaps , expression unscathed by rage or the misfortune of impatience she so clearly cannot force herself to embody . the sword hangs loose , no heavier than a wineglass in her right hand , swinging by her side with a grasp no gentler than that of a snarling tiger towards their prey . their blade rises beneath the warrior’s chin , tilting his head upward , oceanic hues now directed blankly into her own sapphire eyes . * up . again .
then / clearly / we need to work on that . * impudence quite often irritated the king . so much that near outbursts of rage at uncooperative soldiers , the favored warrior himself would steal a single glance toward the ruler , and they would be reminded of the consequences that lay beneath sudden violence . he in no way had ever controlled the leader , but they wished to relay collected indifference about him . so they removed their blade from his jaw , trailing it down to the indent of his collarbones instead , calculated , cold , absolutely emotionless . their heart felt crippled . / matthew / , it cried , with every raw , icy tear . / come back to me / . * off your knees , masters . and look me in the eyes .
only when i know i can do better . * something glinted in his orbs that certainly wasn't a familiar sight during a sparring match such as this , and with his identity now being revealed so suddenly , he couldn't help but wonder if the tension between them now was mere discomfort , or another barrier to be broken . * &̳.̳ ❪ @videtamare , @videtmortem ❫ ╱ lmao look who's active
/ enough /! reveal yourself, / coward /, or i shall tear off that mask myself..
as much as the demon ruler's words had pained him to hear, he knew he had to keep this up, whether he managed to best the king in a battle, or if he himself had to surrender his own kingdom that he had established. even if they were still unaware of his identity, his yearning to finish this battle was evident in the way he fought, quick, swift movements, that were executed without a second thought, the stakes of such an important battle echoing in his mind. as much as he simply wished to rip off the mask he wore and run into the arms of the ruler— he knew he could not do it. the legion could only imagine the punishment the both of them would receive if he broke the covenant that he made with such a tainted creature as death himself.. “loyalty, is something i will always possess— and i would never trade it for anything else.. even if it means my demise.” with this third clash, you could nearly see the uncertainty encircling jade orbs, withdrawing whilst he landed a blow to their leg instead. the chains that fate held him captive were nearly broken, and he was not going to let anyone get in the way of his freedom— of his love. ۪۪̥° ꦿ ۫։ຼ @videtmortem
“promises reveal the / weakness / you so clearly embody,” they snarled, once-ethereal features warlike, knuckles sharp and sanguineous against an iridescent sword of glass. a trickling vein of crimson sliced down thick, ashy eyelashes, momentarily blinding oceanic oculars before a second, then a third clash of blades resonated throughout the battlefield. “loyalty means / nothing / to us outcasts!”
“i will not remove this mask.. not until my task is complete.” the masked legion lamented, grasping his sword as he attempted to land another blow to the demon ruler, determination evident in his sharp hues. “i made a promise— and i refuse to break it!” ۪۪̥° ꦿ ۫։ຼ @videtmortem
even your use of sarcasm is annoying— how / thrilling /. what is your business here, exactly? ۪۪̥° ꦿ ۫։ຼ 〻@criesoviet 〼
@videtamare ╱ I K N O W
why the HELL did you do it? why would you do this to yourself?!
her face did not contort, not immediately, as many lovers’ would have upon loss of their second half. but lucky said nothing; simply felt her body sink, everything suddenly so much / emptier / than she had imagined. was this how it felt? she wondered, distant, unresponsive, blind to the world as each and every piece of / him / went limp in her arms. her hand trembled, still clinging to his, praying for this all to be some kind of cruel game. he was toying with her, he / had / to be! her warrior would not have left without a vicious battalion to fall within.. but so he had. and she could not help but see him as another failure of her own, her shortcomings what caused his death, her inability to protect him what had made this all possible. the tears fell silent, burning, acid streaking through her skin and yet never touching his. shoulders shook with the effort of withholding mournful cries, forever fighting to retain her composure. she was their king. she needed to be strong; fearless. but he was gone. / gone /.. she curled in around him, quiet hiccups escaping bloody lips, forehead gently tilting to brush his. “i’m sorry..” she whispered, voice barely audible, even among the stillness. and those ever-fickle, despairing words surfaced once more, and she even more regretted silencing herself now. “/ i love you /.”
“you will not lose me..” matthew knew far better than anyone that he would not be able to hold on, with the way he already felt himself declining— both physically and mentally— there was a war happening in his brain— flashes of the memories that him and the ruler shared on the battlefield, the softest of smiles gracing his features even as he felt himself slipping away. “i'll always come back, master— please, just wait— i promise you that i / will / return.” his fingers interlocked with hers, squeezing her hand tightly as if to reassure the queen— even as he fell right before her very eyes. “i will come back for you, / mi amor /.” ♱ * ❛ ID : ➳ @videtmortem
“then / stay /. i do not—” she pauses, only for the fraction of an instant, and still the moment feels too elongated to be reality. the gloves flicker, then fade, leaving her ashen hands bare; fingertips stroke back hair across his temple, the second, shaking palm supporting his head. all this, she thinks, only to feel immense pain as he perishes— eagerness and vigor swiftly vanishing by the second— to this silent, breathless plague. her neck cranes downward, spine aching as vertebrae crack and align themselves again, forehead tilting into the warrior’s. her warrior. / hers /. “/ i cannot lose you, my love /..” / YO DO N O T :’(( but yeah it’s hot af you’re right also spring that on me and i’ll end someone most likely myself— what i’m saying is please please do it n catch luck actually leading the battle alone and wishing HE WAS THERE and then b a m there ya go
happy spring, мій воїн ( my warrior ).. | NEW THEME: H O T A S F also,,, context: they’re both on lucky’s bed, limbs tangled in sheets and each other, hair messy and bodies warm after they just woke up together for the first time during the very first light of dawn ;))
lucky’s eyes glimmered, the sapphire shade trembling, flickering— and going out. sweetened hot cocoa hues drifted over his form, her wine-red locks spilling over her shoulders as she held one end of sheet over her body, admiring his form even in the earliest hours of the morning. “i would like that..” she murmured, shielding her eyes from the golden glow now illuminating pale, rosy flesh. one hand traced along matthew’s shoulder, tender and slow, savoring the feeling of his body for as long as she could.
so you don't want a donut ?
╱ HIHI i swear on odin ’ s name , if you ’ ve woken me for something either trivial or foolish —
the demon ruler paused , hesitant , but soon quickened his pace to match as they strode down the halls together . usually , the waking had been inconstant ; independent and of its own nature to when attacks came few and far between . it was becoming a habit , and he would have told matthew off then and there had his gaze not been transfixed upon what he was being shown . “ i — ” new armor . all of it , set upon the stand , shining in the moonlight , crafted with the most skilled hands his people had to offer . “ where did you — ” lucky had never before been rendered speechless in his time as a ruler , yet he hardly cared at all .
yes, yes— right this way! * matthew walked towards the direction of his own chambers, fingers trembling with a hint of nervousness even as he opened the door to reveal what was hidden behind these walls, a nervous smile turning up the corners of his lips. * / it can be whatever you want it to be— ヽthis your id? ゝ✧ ⁽⁽ @videtmortem ⁾⁾
well , then what is it ? clearly you ’ ve no intention of speaking it outright , so you might as well show me .
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