
“Make way, real people are on their way to success “ 
          	~ w.m


Journey is even more beautiful than destination DAMN!!!!(*_*)(*_*)(*_*) 
          What a bio!!! YOU CAUGHT ME BY THAT ONE LINE! 


@bahupotter Aye. Hey! It's actually line from a Hindi Song - Ae Dil Hai Mushkil ( Oh Heart, It's Difficult). I would love it if you listen to it.
            please please check the link out.


You shouldn't care about what you've been labelled as. What matters is who you really are. And that is something in your own hands. You are only a human and you will make mistakes. What matters is what you learn from it and what you do to make things better. If you've done something wrong to someone, that's okay. Go and apologize. Try to rekindle your friendship. Just try your best. Whether they come back or not depends on whether they are meant to be in your life or not. But at least their won't be any regrets that you didn't try hard enough. You are the sun who has its own light to shine with, you don't need anyone to bestow that upon you. It doesn't matter what others think. It does affect , I understand, but in the long run it doesn't matter. You know you are a better person right now than you were before. And that's what that matters. The people, fake friends or whosoever, you don't have to take revenge from them. Just accept that they don't matter now, now that you know who they really are, and ignore. You have so many more people to look forward to. So many reasons to wake up and smile everyday. So many qualities to be proud of. Take pride in who you are. Take care. Be Brave.


@warranium That's the nature of every teenager, don't worry :) when mood changes faster than Rachna Mam's gossip topics. I am glad you've reached that level peace where you just accept people as they are or ignore. Take care you too. Bubye!


@GirlYouCanNeverBe Hey there!
            You know my mood changes faster than some people's profile picture. And yeah some days I am very happy and some days I feel like just hiding myself from the world. And there comes a day when everything seems complicated. No matter how hard you try to resolve issues, you just mess them up. And yeah, I have learnt that and I am still learning about the psychology of people. Right now, I am accepting everybody with their flaws because they are doing the same. This time I have given last chance to everybody out there, and to myself too :)
            Thanks for the concern. Hope you get well soon babe.
            Love ya,
            take care :)