@stringslady Hey there! As a matter of fact, I have learned a thing or two about self publishing. :) To publish an ebook on kindle costs $178. That's your basic ebook publishing where Amazon distributes the book for you. If you choose to publish through kindle, you will get to keep anywhere from 35-70% of the royalties - that depends on whether you stay within the requested criteria of 70%, and whether people are purchasing the book in the U.S./other Amazon listed countries or not. The difficulty with self publishing is that you have to do all of the work. Amazon has a few package deals where you can do an ebook & paperback/hardbook publishing deal . How much you pay them will determine how much of the work they will do for you as opposed to how much work you need to do by yourself.
For publishing an ebook only you will have to do all of your own advertising, cover design, formatting, and editing. It's doable, but it will take a huge portion of your time that might otherwise be spent writing. If you are willing to do that, and you are unsure of how you feel about become a writer full time, self-publishing might be the route you want to take. What you have to remember is that writing is not just an art. It is a business. I chafed at that idea when I first heard it, but when I thought about it I realized it's true. You've got to think of your target market, what internet sites they frequent, how to get your novel(?) out there, and how to sell your work.
That's a more intricate process which I would happy to describe for you if you would like. :) If you have several questions that you would like to ask, private message me and I will give you my email address for further communications. (I rarely check Wattpad, but a friend asked me to check for your message.)