
Imagine someone's Pseudonym is Susan (Sue) Denim!!! HAHAH I am so funny


@all I am thinking of doing a monthly free cover dash thing, where people send in their requests for like four days and then the auction is over, and then at the end of the week y'all get your covers, lemme know what you feel about that, I will post a link to the thread when it comes out and put a link in my bio as well.


I just lost a friend bc I was too honest about him insulting me, he judged me based upon my view of the world and accused me of being narrow minded and culturally blind. And when I tried to defend myself, he deleted the fb post and unfriended me. I was feeling so bad and thought I should've kept my mouth shut; but I realized that someone who cares about you would never do this, and that I was wasting my time and efforts with him. I looked up to him as a person, and now it just came back to bite me in the ass, and then people ask me why i am so bitter, why i have trust issues, because when I try to say what is on my mind, I get rejected.


hi! :)


..is that a dick on ur background?? just wondering tho :D x


@warriorwithabook maybe hahaha oh well


@D_R_U_N_K I  don't see it, but ... No? I dunno, maybe.


@D_R_U_N_K cuz it looks like an underwear haha