“ what do you say about following me somewhere? private anyway. “
@wartidings “ horses? had one when i went to texas, so good i suppose. “ he told with a slight shrug, looking towards the male with a soft hum. eyes gleaming through his mask, “ i hope they do, we all deserve it. “
@idoIum “ if they dont decide to just join you . Ive got enough space for all of you .” He promised, though meshenna understands the need to remain in contact. How couldnt he, having served like he had . Though he smiles softly. “ how are you with horses? “
@wartidings he hummed thinking to how it would be. someone who has been in the military for years suddenly changing to that, relaxing almost. he breathed out slightly as he thought to himself briefly, eyes distant. “ i want to stay in contact with them at least. in case something happens. “ he tells honestly eyes on soap that grinned like a madman. “ they are close to me. “