don’t look at me like that.
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don’t look at me like that.
twice in one day? what are the odds?
sorry, i was just trying to stretch my legs. didn't mean to end up on your patrol route.
/ cb, drop n the like
can i sign your cast?
you look tense. should i even ask?
*sierra looked away, as obvious as she was it would be even more blatant if she let herself watch him.* if you have so much /work/ then you should at least consider taking a break.
@nemeseias * on the salmon ladder, temple was usually a sight; all bare and defined as the bar leapt from one height to the next. the dim light of the arena, an environment sierra likely would be used to, would cast unique shadows on his upper body as he dropped down, military boots hitting the ground. * just .. a lot of work.
matt, it's been a while.
good save, i honestly thought i was almost a goner.
/yeah/, [ a little breathless, she brushed herself off, then offered a hand, ] i don't think i caught your name, but it's a pleasure.
did you ask linda from the front desk to page me?
@warwills okay, [ deniz clears the notification on her pager and puts it away. she isn't sure what could be so urgent enough to have her paged to the front desk, especially during work hours. then again, he didn't have any other way to reach her. his best chance would've been to go to the hospital or hope to run into each other again. ] is everything okay?
you should let me take a look at that. it looks unsightly.
an accident? [ a single gloved hand carefully reach out to cradle his chin. her touch was soft, yet firm, fingers carefully tilting his head up to expose the bruising and cut under his jaw. her gaze shifts to assess the injury while she brushes her thumb just beside the bruised skin to check for signs of fractures. ] not broken. [ she holds onto her skepticism, unsure if she should believe his story—he wouldn't be the first patient to lie to her about the cause of their injuries. that said, she doesn't question him any further on it. there is no requirement to in a situation like this one. ] if it's any consolation, /you are/. after all, i did say the wound is unsightly—not you. luckily, you won't need any stitches. just some butterfly bandages and ice. maybe some color corrector and foundation if you insist on covering that for meetings, but the swelling might give you away.
@lacrymosas had an accident this morning. nothing serious. * the consequences of his nightly activities. the instinct to dodge was written into his every synapse, but too often did matt find himself pushing through every knuckle, knife and crowbar by chin alone. it was easier, and it was more effective (at least on them). they pulled back. they were afraid—but in the morning, his skin was left tender. the bruise underneath his jaw must have re-opened; and the eye of a trained doctor wasn't particularly easy to fool. he stepped over, smiling, easing into a joke to distract her if even a little. * i was hoping i'd still be pretty enough for work.
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