Its been 3 months since i stopped making updates. Well, to answer that, i have been sleeping all day and do nothing because apparently i have no one to talk to, aka i have no friends to motivate me. I was crying myself to sleep since i barely took some when school was still up. But mostly? I dont know what happened to me either. Users i followed started to block me without telling the reason why, and it deteriorates me more when they have the high ground in the community. Or should i say, they are "popular" and well known hence to their creative works. I mean, all i do is scream at a fictional character when i could just shut up and that way everyone will be less annoyed from my real behavior. I think it would make sense as to why people are leaving my side without letting me know. Well, that explains why i made a poll on instagram about leaving somewhere. Heck, many people have spread the word about me being the villain of the community just because i either annoy them with my true self, being too inactive, venting too much or the most common, doing unintentional mistakes.
@FAYBELLEchon not at all. Tried to do it. Many people blocked me because of annoyance.