
(not rlly a vent, but still)
          	"Baby, you've got me sick 
          	I don't know what I did 
          	Need to take a break and figure it out, yeah 
          	Got your voice in my head 
          	Sayin', "Let's just be friends" 
          	Can't believe the words came out of your mouth, yeah"


Baby, you were the love of my life, woah
          Maybe you don't know what's lost 'til you find it 
          It's not what I wanted, to leave you behind 
          Don't know where you'll land when you fly 
          But, baby, you were the love of my life.
          i’m to scared to tell him i miss him, or that im okay, or that im doing better, or even that im a better person, all because of him.


this message may be offensive
havent posted in a while even though ive needed to... 
          it sucked. 
          i remember how he asked me to date him, I remember that day completely, i wish i didnt. 
          how can i still miss him? hes moved on, hes found hes people, i thought i did but guess not.  
          i miss how it used to be, when i had friends, i wasnt in a good place though... 
          i think i should just try and fucking get over him, even though he was amazing and sweet and pretty and he understood me, he never judged me, he never told me to grow up or act different, i could be me and he was okay with that. 
          i miss him.