
Well my friends, it has been fun. I hope to see all at my new account. Thanks for your kindness and for sharing your imagination. Have a good day, night, evening, or any variation thereupon. God bless,
          	(P.S. I know I've said this a lot, but my new account is WDJD12, and that is where all my stories will be continued.)


Well my friends, it has been fun. I hope to see all at my new account. Thanks for your kindness and for sharing your imagination. Have a good day, night, evening, or any variation thereupon. God bless,
          (P.S. I know I've said this a lot, but my new account is WDJD12, and that is where all my stories will be continued.)


Hey so very soon, I doubt I'll be active on this account anymore. Don't worry however as I have a back up account which will have all my stories and stuff. This account is WDJD12. If I stop uploading things on this account, but do on the other then go there to find all my stuff. 
          ~ Sereh


Thanks for voting on my stories! I'm happy you like them :) Also I think it's great that you have such a strong belief in God and stay true to it. That's rare nowadays. 


It is, also in real life when you look around. I didn't think social media would be the place to... well talk about beliefs and so on. But I guess it can be a nice way to find people with similar opinions and attitudes. And everyone needs a little encouragemant now and then :) 
            Thank you, Sereh, I will pray for you as well. I hope you have a great and blessed day! 


Yes it is hard to find people who are true believers . . . even more so on social media sites. Your stories are quite good and I enjoy them. Thanks for the encouragement, and I hope I can give you some as well. I'll be praying for you, and if you ever need anything just message! Have a good day and God bless!
            ~ Sereh


Hello people,
                        This is not an announcement or anything, but a couple of prayer requests. One: please pray for my only sister as she is traveling the world on a great big missions trip. She is part of world race 2016. This means she's traveling to eleven countries in eleven months to spread the good news of Christ. This also means she'll be staying in countries that are less developed and could be in danger from injury, sickness, etc. so please keep her safety in your prayers. Second: my mum has been having some problems with her eyes and they've been giving her really bad migraines. She had an MRI and the doctors didn't find anything, so that's good, but they called her headaches 'optic migraine'. Please keep her healing in your prayers as well. Thank you all so much, and God bless!
                 ~ Sereh


@waterfire3 Good luck to your sister and I hope your mom feels better!!!!!!!!!!


If you would you like, please to check out my story POT8, if you do and you end up liking it, please give me feedback. :D thanks.


I have added it to my library and the idea seems pretty cool. I do believe I will end up liking it, so thank you for bringing its existence to my attention:) I don't comment much, but I will try to follow your request, or in these immortal words "AS YOU WISH!" Heh heh.