
Don't worry guys, Twitterpated is next. Just trying to get past the writer's block.
          	Oh and by the way, this next chapter is ALL fluff.


yay! More Twitterpated 


Yo, I liked Biofreeze a good bit, and It's been hard to find well-written works like it. Since It was a nice find, I made a fan cover for it. I could send it to you if you want, plus I'm a 3D hobbyist so I hope it's eye-catching.


@CodeParadox did you? Alright, if you have discord you can send it to me on there. #hyenasquad


If I don't finish these stupid books they'll never get done. I may be in agony but that is no excuse to leave something unfinished. 


@watership02 go at your own pace writing takes time 


Does that mean more chapters of “Twitterpated”?


Anyone here like Star Wars?


@watership02 try Bambi or original fanfics


@Nightlight64 I seek to expand out to other fandoms, might draw in new readers.


@Lucas1091 I seek to expand out to other fandoms, might draw in new readers.


Out of raw curiosity, what editing software do you use to make your covers?


@watership02 I just want a normal book cover. The Book is called Firewatch: Wildfire Assistance. It’s based on Firewatch the video game and features Bambi and the great Prince 


@Lucas1091 Of course it would depend on what you actually want


@Lucas1091 I certainly suppose I could.


Do you guys think I'm writing too much horror?
          I have, what... Lockdown, Incubus, Biofreeze, THSE, Enlightenment, and Embrace wasn't horror but still had uncomfortable mature themes. Do you guys think I should try something more lighthearted? That's like 95% of my content. I have an idea for a fun fanfic, but I'm not sure about it.
          Of course, if I DO decide to go through with it, I'm instantly writing THDE to end. Poor thing's been going on for too long. 
          (Casually pretending Twitterpated doesn't exist)


@watership02  cool can’t wait to read them


@unovaregion I actually have THREE oneshots in the works right now. Two of them are undone due to writers block, and the third is probably gonna get integrated into a larger fanfic.


@watership02 you could just continue those paw patrol Oneshots too. Those were really good!


It is my personal and driving headcanon that Zuma is gradually becoming smarter than the PAW Patrol understands. This poor labrador is almost never used, mournfully left behind while the other five run off into the action to be loved and adored. What does that leave him with?
          But there is no use wallowing around an empty tower; Zuma instead spends his days' worth of freetime reading books, people-watching around Adventure Bay, even observing active missions from afar. He knows every single dog, every last notable person in the town. He knows their strengths and weaknesses, what they strive for and desire every day, what gets them up in the morning and what they hate seeing, knowledge that is all too valuable. And this is Zuma's ultimate strength: Knowledge.
          He's learning how to see the world like a chessboard, how to say what people like hearing and adapt to new situations. Days are no longer the same to him, every hour is an opportunity to learn something new, observe someone in action, study patterns in meticulous detail. He has no idea what to do with these abilities yet, but the allure is intoxicating, the knowing of how better he could be compared to them. If he can't do something, he knows exactly how to make someone else do it. If he doesn't know something, he knows where to go to find out. It doesn't mean he will do these things, but he certainly knows how.
          I imagine he lies awake at night, gazing into the stars of possibility. His future is a blank canvas, and he holds the pencils, free to draw his path to whatever world he desires. With or without the PAW Patrol.


@watership02 I mean, zuma s not totally alone. Ryder calls at least two pups for each mission, and if he needs backup at least one more. Zuma would have at least one other dog to lay with. And don’t forget about the extended members. 
            Zuma could be learning about dinosaurs with Rex, driving his truck with Al or his motorcycle with Wild Cat. Visit the jungle with Tracker or help out with Jake and Everest.


@watership02 wow that’s a really cool headcanon 