
I'm calling wattfeelings out cause it's time to write!
          	Hope y'all enjoy 'The Flip Side'! more writing will hopefully be coming out more in 2025.  Also happy late Valentine's <3


hey y'all! i'm a few weeks late, but happy lunar new year to those who celebrate! i haven't gotten sleepy yet and i realised that i haven't been on for a while :) did some book cover updates and hopefully i'll be able to write something for next weekend or in the next upcoming weeks YAYYY also welcome back mr rova!!


gfriend and got7 comeback YASSS hoping this year is so so much better than last year!


on another note i hate to say it but there will be slow to no updates on my books like i did for 'soul' and 'justice' (the ideas were there but they were just... no) two years ago. just how it went from jan-may-october-february-may-july-now.
          i've got a lot on my plate at the moment and i think it's time to step away for now! maybe i'll write whenever i need a break (basically procrastination).
          you may be wondering why there's been numerous books out with no chapters! basically as i've said a lot and sounds like a shitty excuse but i have tonnes of ideas that never come into play. i wanted to publish these in order to come back and write for them in the future with a fresh mind.
          thank you and see you soon :)


tell me how tf is it SEPTEMBER already? cause istg i felt like i wrote that lunar new year message yesterday! 
          i've made a playlist for a book that i came up with a few years ago and is still a bit rocky i'll be honest, but, it's getting there and i think the songs will help guide the rest of the book as it goes along. 
          for now here's 'Skyrocket'!


ngl lately i can't work on one single thing because i've just had so many ideas for one story that it has to become another book lol 


the other day i find out jeonghan is enlisting (sorta guessed that one) jun is technically leaving for his acting in china AND to top it all off i find out today that suga has a dui?? WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS??


you know what? apparently the cctv footage of suga was fame but idk tbh