
made an account on twitter if you guys want to follow! (@twtshaderooms) & i’ll try to make one on insta soon since i’m not sure where everyone went


OKAY looked through some accounts to see if anybody mentioned their users and actually found somebody so moving there now!


idk what anybody’s users are or how to find people there so pls follow me LMAO


made an account on twitter if you guys want to follow! (@twtshaderooms) & i’ll try to make one on insta soon since i’m not sure where everyone went


OKAY looked through some accounts to see if anybody mentioned their users and actually found somebody so moving there now!


idk what anybody’s users are or how to find people there so pls follow me LMAO


i will be posting nominees for the award show (hopefully soon), i’m just waiting for more to people to maybe nominate others, since there isn’t many. && please send in some tells, i don’t want this acc to die out again because i will forget about it. 


i posted this in my book, but i’m going to post it here as well, just in case anyone didn’t see it - I WILL NOT POST ANY SLUT SHAMING, ETC COMMENTS. it’s not okay, and you should never bring a woman, man, or anyone down that way. unless you have a VALID thing you are bringing up about them (racist comments, sexist comments, etc etc) do not send in anything about them that could be perceived as hurtful. i won’t post things that are just people being mad someone is flirting with people, or whatever. i will only post tells that are uplifting, or having a valid reason to expose them.