Dear zayana,
today makes a year since you’ve passed. I miss everything about you. Your laugh, the way you danced to any song no matter where we were at, the way you were always happy and it used to piss me off and the way you lit up a room just be coming in even if it was for a second. I mostly miss your smile. I’d do anything to see it. When I got the news that you were gone, I was devastated. The most strongest and bravest person I knew wasn’t here anymore. I know that you are here with me and watching over all of us with your beautiful smile today. I miss playing dress up with you, doing each other’s make up ,our daily sleepovers where you would always fall asleep first and making up stupid dance routines and end up getting cursed out by our moms for being too loud. It makes me upset that you won’t be able to graduate, get married or have kids and name them after each other. You were an angel in our presence then transcended to a better place. I will always keep your legacy alive. I promise to take care of everybody and keep Mani and nae safe and make sure they know who their big sister was. A beautiful, courageous , funny person who would do anything for anybody. Thank you for teaching me how a life is supposed to be lived. Thank you for teaching me to never give up. Zayana, wherever you are, I want you to know that I love you with every bone in my body. You live through me. You truly deserved better and it makes me upset that you didn’t get to do all that you wanted to do. I loved that you never had anything planned and that you just went out and did it. Thank you for being in my life and making it brighter and better. I’m going to celebrate your life and do everything you’ve wanted to do because you deserve it. I will love and miss you forever darling. rest easy baby, you deserve it.❤️ january 23rd ~ forever.