
what else could i do? i didn't see any other option. ur story is great.


Hey eM! I just wanted to stop by an thank you for becoming my fan and voting for Once Bitten. I'm so glad you liked it! For someone still so relatively new as me it really means a lot! I hope you continue to enjoy my work, and don't forget to keep voting! Hugs and love, Mimm


Hi! I was just wandering through wattpad and came to your profile. :) i was wondering, would you mind reading my story? Its called "My love means your death" 
          Thanks and please remember to comment and vote! 
          btw - i love your username! i used to do a blog and it was named that. :) 


          OK so here's the deal... I doubt I could have an upload ready for today maybe not even tomorrow. But since its your bday I could private msg you the half page that I have ready.  LOL... don't judge me! i have a kid. 
          Well let me know if you want to read it. 