hey, i hope you get this because i’ve deleted this app and downloaded it again. maybe you’ll never see this and maybe ill be talking to myself but once in a while the last year pops in my head. every last little silly conversation ive had with so many people over little apps, we had our run and everything happened for the better. you were never a bad person and i hope you continue to grow like i have. i’ve learned to watch the world as it goes by and follow, no hard feelings towards anyone, people come and go so thank you, what am i thanking you for hm no clue haha but i appreciate you leaving for the better. we both deserved to be separated. one thing you taught me was to love with my full heart even when you need to move on. hey in 2 months i’ll be a year clean and maybe so will you be. ive meet so many new people, accomplished so many new things for myself, i bought a car even though im terrible at driving lol. i hope that later in life or maybe starting now you learn to love yourself because your soul genuinely deserves it. no hard feelings, no worries, one last goodbye?