this message may be offensive
Im going to say this now, for my Gratsu fanfic please do not talk shit about Lucy or be rude, i ship NaLu more than anything but Gratsu is my favorite yaoi ship so people that keep hating on Lucy please stop, I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion but keep it to yourself because Lucy is my favorite female character and i hate seeing all this hate towards her for no reason, its a story. NaLu is most likely to happen at the end of Fairy Tail anyways. If you have nothing nice to say dont say anything at all, if i see more hate i wont continue the fanfic so please stop with the hate towards Lucy it could have been Lisanna which would be 7374648382929x worse.

@weabooAF I understand exactly because I love Lucy but I also love Gray and its like Uggh so hard to choose so you do you