Hi everyone! It has been so long - I know! I’m sure I’ve probably lost many readers due to my inactivity. I just wanted to come on and let anyone who does still happen to care know that I haven’t lost hope when it comes to this story. I want to return to it someday and upload new material. But to do that I want to first make what I do have better. So I’ve been doing a ton of editing - going through every single part and reworking it and improving it! Along those lines, if you see any recent “uploads” from me, unfortunately it isn’t new content. It’s just me creating new parts where I felt it was necessary to break the plot up and make things flow better. Additionally, some parts may look wonky. As I said, I’m editing, but still want to leave it up for new readers. Eventually it will all be seamless though. Just wanted to address these things to eliminate any confusion! Hope I can get back on here soon. Harry Potter will always have a special place in my heart, and I feel I still have ideas for this story I want to execute. It’s just been hard to do it. <3 Natalie

i know my reply is super later but i would love to see more work from you! i absolutely loved what i read back in 2023 and last year it was amazing all!

It’s alriight, take ur tiime. I promise when you’re ready to come back i’ll be ready to read your new material