not one more word. i made it VERY clear that i didn't want you involved. but here you are; INVOLVED.
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NEW MUSE ++ MESSAGE BOARD [!] * 03042024, by S1NCLARZ ¿
not one more word. i made it VERY clear that i didn't want you involved. but here you are; INVOLVED.
spider-man! holy hotdogs, never thought i'd come around you in these parts! [ kate lifted her sunglasses up and rested them on the top of her head. in the process though, she moved her bow away from the aiming position and afterwards docked the arrow back into her quiver. ] kate bishop, hawkeye! sorry i almost shot you there, you came out of no where. i think it wouldve been funny if i shot at you though— uh, not like that!! that arrow was a.. net arrow. but i think you would've dodged it anyway. spidey-sense and... all that... oh i'm rambling.
⠀ ִ ִ ❛ @hawkettes ‽ : i don’t uh.. usually find myself around these parts. [ upon the girl moving her bow peter lowers his hands from their classic web-shooting position, moving to awkwardly rest them at his sides. a smile smile tugging at his lips from underneath the mask. ] i would’ve dodged it.. although, if i hadn’t.. well i think it would’ve been funnier for you than for me. but uh, no harm done. accidents happen. so.. hawkeye, huh! pretty awesome name. i like this whole suit thing you got going on, too— that’s awesome.
⠀ what have i told you about worrying over that stuff? let the cops handle it, kid. i'm serious.
⠀ ִ ִ ❛ @fathertomany ‽ : it’s kinda my /job/ to worry sir, remember? ..spiderman? protector of the people?
/ soso gorgeous let me stare respectfully <3
out of the way , kid . I came here for a reason and I won't leave until I finish my job . I don't care who or what I have to dispose of to do so .
⠀ ִ ִ ❛ @hydraprojects ‽ : woah, woah, woah! i don’t think we need to.. do anything crazy, right? let’s just talk about this for a second
NEW MUSE ++ MESSAGE BOARD [!] * 03042024, by S1NCLARZ ¿
do you wanna … go sit down or something? i’ve called your dads. / post ykw in the hospital
@2BESLASHED ⌖ okay then, suit yourself … but if you do need something —-just ask. whatever it is, we can make it work.
@anticase ᵎᵎ . . . ⠀ׂ † ◌ i don’t wanna take a seat,jack. im fine,seriously—just..don’t worry about me.
@2BESLASHED ⌖ and you are here, okay? you’ve made it obvious you’re not leaving so just … take a seat or something. chill out.
this is … rare. why are you at my house? :/ it’s my day off. / pre ykw
@anticase ᵎᵎ . . . ⠀ׂ † ◌ i do trust you. i do,sorry,im just..really nervous about all this. that's why it’s taken me so long to talk to you about what’s been going on. —thank you,uncle jack. this means..everything to me.
@2BESLASHED ⌖ i’ve done this like … millions of times, cam. vast majority? it turns out just fine. every case like this has a few bumps in the road —-just … talk with hunter, and i’ll do what i can. just trust me.
@anticase ᵎᵎ . . . ⠀ׂ † ◌ yeah,deal. just..you’re sure everything’s gonna be okay with them??? hunter and his sister ???..i don't want their dad to catch onto anything—dunno,if im right about this..him knowing we're onto him could be really dangerous. i know this is your job and everything,but—i need you to just be really careful. i can't..have (anything) happen to hunter. okay ???
@lielights ᵎᵎ . . . ⠀ׂ † ◌ i suppose not ???..yeah,that's fine. —you need somethin' ???
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