
HEY EVERYBODY- I’m so so so so SO sorry for completely stopping the updates, life’s been crazy lately but that’s still no excuse. I hope you’re all doing okay and taking care of yourselves. (If I find out any of you hasn’t been taking this global pandemic seriously I’ll personally show up at your house- but stay outside cause we’re quarantining- throw a flip flop through your window and make sure it hits you in the head. Everything with love tho) 
          	Anyways just wanted to know how you’re all doing, if there’s anything you need to talk about feel free to message me or leave a comment, I’m no therapist but I’m cheaper cause my shitty advice is totally free :)) AND I wanted you all to know (or at least the ones that are still interested on “Not A Chance”) that the fic is NOT over yet and I will definitely continue to update, however there will be no updates for a bit still. What i mean is that i will be working on it but won’t be publishing anything yet. I know that doesn’t make a lot of sense but please trust me, I want this to be a surprise for all of you cause you honestly deserve more than one shitty update every damn month. 
          	So yeah, I know you’ve already been patient enough but I’m asking you to once again give me just a little time, I love you all and this story too much to stop writing. And the good news is that my holiday break starts in two weeks and as soon as that happens I’ll start working on what I have prepared for you guys. 
          	Thank you all so much for your continued love and support, you have no idea how much it means to me, you all are what truly inspires me ✨ love ya, please take care of yourselves (or else-) 


@websparker I've been a fan for years! I hope you are still planning on coming back to this book, it's one of a kind. Sending love!


Wya pookie


@websparker Are you alive Author? We wanna know if you're okay. :(


Hi I'm a new follower and I'm sorry if like I'm annoying but we don't really know each other and I'm not an OG fan but  I AM most definitely a fan now I just wanna know if you're close to publishing a new chapter of (NAC) or not cause I don't wanna get my hopes up. Its fine if the book is down or on a hiatus please LMK. Honestly your book is what made me watch DP actually . That's all and Thank you if you're reading this. Its totally fine if you don't reply because of course if its a surprise it would be better ^^, That's all and Thank you again.