
Hi everyone! Thanks for all your kind messages. I am very well, so no worries there. 
          	It has just been a super busy few months and I have barely had time to sit down and immerse myself in writing - not to mention into Lily’s (currently pretty dramatic) world. My head has been (and still is) filled with lots of work projects and since my job means mostly working on a computer all day long, too, I haven‘t really gotten round to do much writing in my spare time. 
          	I guess one of the very few benefits of that horrid pandemic was the fact that I basically had zero social life for almost 2 years. That gave me tons of extra time to work on my books. Now, that has picked up again a lot, too. 
          	But as I said before in some comments: book 3 will definitely be finished because my motivation is that I am doing this mainly for myself. I am not known to leave projects unfinished - even if they take time. 
          	I will be going on a 4 month sabbatical in winter and one of the main goals is having time to write. So, in any case, by the time December rolls around, all the conditions will hopefully start to be perfect for writing until my fingers fall off ;-). 
          	Obviously, I aim to give you more chapters before that. Such a long break would be rather cruel. However, I better make no promises when that will be. But rest assured, I miss Lily and her family a lot, too. I also still owe you quite a few answers, I am aware of that.
          	Thanks for sticking around - and I hope you are all well, too! xxx


So very glad to hear you are doing well.  Please take care of yourself.  Thank you!


this message may be offensive
Guys for the love of god PLEASE stop asking for new updates, it's rude. You're not entitled to a new chapter, and whether the writer puts a new chapter out is none of your fucking business. 
          In fact? Asking after chapters like this is demotivating and annoying for everyone involved. The writer isn't a content machine for the Christ's sake and if you scrolled down you'd see they've NEVER replied to one of these posts asking for an update.
          You want a faster update? You're impatient? Guess what! Make headcanons! Do analysis! If the story was discontinued we'd get an announcement! BUT ITS NOT?? SO SHUT UP ABOUT IT??? Actually comment what you like about the story rather than sitting on your asses waiting for new content. 
          Sorry for the long post, but every time I check back here it's a string of people going "hey! New chapter when??" Like it's their RIGHT and it honestly pisses me off seeing the lack of fandom etiquette. (THIS IS BASIC MANNERS EVEN IF THE WRITER DOESN'T CARE!!) 
          I understand some of you may not have known, doesn't change the fact you were being horribly entitled, but just don't do it again. 
          So please do better guys, this isn't making the story go any faster, and you're just being rude.


@AdebisiHabibat3 hi! This is actually a good question. You can reread the series and leave comments a second time! You can draw fanart, leave theories, even just saying "reread" or "this is my favourite part" is a great way to show appreciation! (So many writers love comments and even if it's just one word it's a good way to be nice to something that you love)
            It's like when your mom tells you to do the dishes y'know? If you're about to do the dishes and your mom says "oye when are you doing the dishes" then you won't wanna do the dishes. Have a good day! 


@astrfilms  you are right am not going to be saying the we asking for updates every time is not rude but what can we do when the book is a masterpiece 


@astrfilms hi! I'm sorry you think that way! But generally, while the want for more of the story is totally allowed and innocent (I want more too! I'm so curious as to what happens next and I love the story so so much), curiosity doesn't justify or excuse or erase that it often feels demanding and demeaning to the creator. when all the response you get while you're working hard on the next part (for free!) is "when are you updating?" It's naturally demotivating (especially with the rise of ai content and stories+TikTok's content machine.)
            It might not be directly rude or mean but it boils all the work you've done down to "ok cool but why can't you just upload more?" 
            Even if wee_me doesn't care, it's still not a good habit to build in fandom spaces! It's becoming more and more of a trend for people to demand updates instead of just engaging with the content (which is what I wrote the comment about) 
            I really am sorry you find it negative! But I do hope this response expands on my reasoning a little more, because I do believe that fandom is a space thats give and take, and demanding more and more without offering anything is rude behavior.
            I hope you have a lovely day! 