
I dont know how many people are reading my stories and following along on them but I wanted everyone to know my updates are gonna be a lot slower due to school, homework, soccer, and clubs. I dont get a lot of free time but i'll update when can:) Oh I know most wont care but in June I have a week long trip to Washington, Pennsylvania, New York City so I may not update then either- ANYWAYS I hope you guys life are good msg me if you need someone to talk to and I hope you guys can find something else to read and not give up on my stories.


I dont know how many people are reading my stories and following along on them but I wanted everyone to know my updates are gonna be a lot slower due to school, homework, soccer, and clubs. I dont get a lot of free time but i'll update when can:) Oh I know most wont care but in June I have a week long trip to Washington, Pennsylvania, New York City so I may not update then either- ANYWAYS I hope you guys life are good msg me if you need someone to talk to and I hope you guys can find something else to read and not give up on my stories.


Don't hurt people and think sorry will fix it if you throw a glass at the ground it breaks, It hurts that's what happens to people when you say sorry does that glass fix itself? does it go back to how it was before? No. No it doesn't. Don't expect sorry to fix anything that person you broke will not go back together easily they will need to find someone to fix it and how many times do you see someone pick up a shattered plate and fix it? Think about this before you hurt someone.


"Depression often gives you two people
          The happy girl
          And the sad girl
          The happy one shows up at day
          She hides everything
          She is there so you don’t worry
          The sad one shows up at night
          She is there for herself
          Only when nobody sees
          She is hurting
          She is silent
          She is deadly
          The happy one isn’t real
          She is creation
          Made to ease everyone around
          There are flaws
          Sometimes people notice
          But they don’t always speak
          This makes it worse
          The sad one wants to be noticed
          But she doesn’t want to be noticed
          As the sad girl grows stronger
          The happy girl starts to fade
          Till there is nothing left
          And she has to pretend
          Has to wear a mask 
          From this point 
          There is no going back
          The sad girl has become deadly
          And you will never see 
          The happy girl
          Just saw this on a youtube comment and thought to share there youtube is Lady_Seraphina